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Q: What characteristics are only found in primary succession?
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What is the difference between primary and secondary succesion?

Primary succession occurs on newly exposed surfaces with no soil, while secondary succession occurs in areas with existing soil that has been disturbed or altered. Primary succession starts with pioneer species that can survive harsh conditions, while secondary succession starts with species that can quickly colonize open areas.

What are some events that would start primary succession?

Events that can start primary succession include volcanic eruptions, glacial retreats, and landslides that disrupt existing ecosystems, leaving behind barren, lifeless areas for new species to colonize and establish.

Does tigers eat giraffes?

No. Giraffes live in Africa. Tigers live in Asia. They never meet.

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There are no grizzly bears found in the Amazon rain forest. One of the defining characteristics of the grizzly is that they are only found in North America.

What are two charateristics that are only found in fish?

There are bound to be many characteristics confined to fish but to me the most obvious are their Fins and their Swimbladders.

What is the difference between a primary diagnostic and a special property of a mineral?

A primary property is one that all minerals possess, whereas a special property is found in only one or a few minerals.

Which type of primary election can only Democrats vote in a Democratic primary and only Republicans vote in a Republican primary?

Closed Primary :)

What compromises a protein in a primary structure?

There are over 300 amine acids found in nature. Out of these only 20 are found in human body. One amine acid is attached to other by pep-tide bond and there is chain of amine acids and it makes the primary structure of proteins.

Jihad is the only way of succession do you agree or disagree?

I certainly disagree. Succession is the passage of power from one monarch to another. Monarchs can easily pass rulership to their children without struggle, so it is certainly possible to have succession without jihad.

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What are the characteristics of siltstone?

its grainy like silt found in a river only the grains are made of stone so its like a smaller version of gravel

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The only symptom of primary amenorrhea is delayed menstruation.