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there is a great possibility that ur boss has a boss if so talk to him if u can and maybe u can get this all fixed if not u can quit or totelly get bullied

oh and u do not have to trust me cause i am a kid and i knew how to fix this by how a teacher was the same all i had to do was talk to my principal

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Q: What can you do to stop bullying if its your manager and your afraid that if you complain to someone you will get fired?
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What should you do about bullying?

Tell someone about it. Don't be afraid to tell a friend, parent, or even a teacher.

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Jealousy :) shes afraid of losing him to someone with more "superior" looks

What is intimidation bullying?

Intimidation bullying is where the bully wants you to be afraid of them. They can achieve this by threatning to hurt you or do something to harm you physically

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Risk averse manager is someone who is afraid of or sensitive to risk. An individual that would trade for sure amount that is less than the expected value of the gamble.

How many people get phyiscally bullied?

physical bulling is the minimal amount of bullying many kids are to afraid to report it but bullying is also pushing poking touching without permission don't be afraid speak up

What factors do you believe contribute to workplac?

a weak manager who is afraid of his employees and so is not prepared to enforce fair dealings.a bullying manager who will take advantage of people when he canworkers that don't appreciate or understand people who may be weaker, different, or of the opposite sex.a workplace without a strong union that will support each one of its members.Power: Someone uses their power over someone who is, or seems to be weaker.Self-esteem: Bullies may need to bully to boost their own self-esteem, which they feel is inadequate.Difference: A person or a group may become the target of bullying because they seem to be different.Perceived threat: People may get bullied because they are seen as a threat.Organizational Culture: The attitude in the workplace may have developed so that bullying is seen to be normal behavior.

What does bullying involve?

anyhting that someone does to make another person feel bad. sexual, verbal, physical or cyber- it is all unacceptable. don't be afraid- the bullies are pathetic

What would a kid complain about at summer camp?

It can be hot. If your afraid of bugs. Being homesick.

What do I do if my best friends are bullying me?

Ignore the bully. Pretend not to notice the bully. Walk away quickly to a safe place and get help from an adult.Stand up for yourself and your friends.Tell someone who is bullying you or your friends, "No!" or "Stop it!" Then walk quickly away to a safe place and get help from an adult.Don't be a bully. If someone is bullying you or a friend, don't fight back because someone could get hurt.Don't let the bully know how you feel. Don't cry or act like you are afraid. Try not to let the bully see that you are upset.Tell an adult. If someone is bullying you or a friend, it is very important to talk to an adult you can trust. Tell the adult what happened and how you feel. Ask for help.

Is it okay to do nothing if someone is getting bullied?

No. That is almost worse than the bully. If someone was bullying you, would you want someone to stick up?One does not always have to confront the bully head on to help someone out, but for the sake of someone elses emotional, physical, and psychological health, it is best to do something within reason that will help to end the bullying.All in all, if someone knows there is a way to stop the bullying of another and they are, in fact, not afraid to do something, then no, it is not okay to do nothing at all while another gets bullied.

Does a person must talk to someone when she doesnt want to to prevent bullying?

No, this just simply means she doesn't want to get involved; Or that their is a person in her life that is like a bully that she is afraid of standing up to them because she might think it will mess up her relation ship with that person or is generally afraid of provoking them.

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Unskilled workers were afraid to complain about wages or working conditions because they could easily be replaced by other workers and feared losing their jobs. Additionally, they lacked bargaining power due to their low skill level and often faced retribution or dismissal if they raised concerns.