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to see myself growing both personally n professionally in this company in future.

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Q: What are your long-term goals for this company?
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Should it be company's goal or company goals?

it depends how you are using it, but if you are talking about the goals of the company then you would use company's goal because it shows possession. Placing an s on the word goals is basically saying that the company has more than one goal, so it still will be company's goals

How do you think you can help the company succeed?

you can help a certain company to succeed by doing the best you can for that company in achieving the company's goals. By being in sync with the company's goals and missions, you will be one of the foundation and working committee that will make their goals into reality.

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the goals of colgate-palmolive company is to contribute the goodness of the product.

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What are company goals?

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capital reserve is a type of account on a company's balance sheet that is reserved for longterm capital investment projects or any other large expenses that will be incurred in the future. capital reserve is a type of account on a company's balance sheet that is reserved for longterm capital investment projects or any other large expenses that will be incurred in the future.

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