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These are skills that frequently will be used in more than one type of employment. e.g. Good team player is a skill and actually is required in just about all employment. Therefore it is transferable between all jobs. Good customer skills again is not just for the retail and custoer service industries. It works with people in side your own business as well and therefore can be classed as transferable

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15y ago

Transportable skills are those that you can use in any industry. Learning how to handle complaints, for instance - you might learn how to do that in the healthcare industry, but it will serve you well in any industry where you will deal with other people, either as internal or external customers. Other examples would be typing, information verification, basic sales skills and use of popular office software.

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10y ago

This question comes up a lot when someone is leaving the military and returning to civilian live or when someone has lost their job working and one industry or segment of the economy and need to find something that is very different. Essentially transferable skills are skills that a person has acquired in one job which they can also apply to a different job. My younger son for instance has been in the military for 15 years and he has learned skills he's transferring to work in corporate security and law enforcement.

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14y ago

skills that are learned in one job but able to be used in a different job

A+,. skills that can apply to more than one type of job.

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