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water source, energy source and transport source

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Q: What are three main sorces of work in Alaska?
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How does that work every website says different answers?

because people have diff sorces

The three main types of work that cells perform?

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Yes, the three main parts of the circulatory system -- heart, arteries, and veins -- work together. By definition, every organ system is made up of organs that work together.

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What state in the US has the highest percentage of people who walk to work?

Alaska has the highest percentage of people who walk to work in the US, with around 8.2% of the population using walking as their primary mode of commuting.

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Three main requirements of a title are to be descriptive, concise, and attention-grabbing. A good title should accurately reflect the content of the work, be brief while conveying the main idea, and entice the audience to engage with the material.

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The three main categories are: * Viruses * Worms * And Trojans