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a).What are the three major functions of the financial manager?How are they related?



Financial Management is the efficient and effective planning and controlling of financial resources so as to maximize profitability and ensuring liquidity for an individual (called Personal Finance) , government (called public finance) and for profit and non-profit organization/firm (called corporate or managerial finance).Generally, it involves balancing risks and profitability.

The decision function of financial management can be divided into the following three major areas:

1):Investment Decision:

The most important decision.It begins with the firm determining the total amount of assets needed to be held by the firm.There are two types of investment decision:

a):Capital Investment Decision:

Involves large sums of money.The impact is critical.Example acquire a new machine or to set up a new plant.

b):Working Capital Investment Decision:

A more routine or schedule form of decision.Examples are determination of the amount of inventories , cash and account receivables to hold within a certain period.

2):Financing Decision:

The second major decision . After deciding on what assets to buy or what securities to invest in , the financial manager would have to decide on how to finance these assets.

Sources of finance -- 2 sources ; Borrowings and / or Capital.

3):Assets Management Decision:

The third and the last decision. Once the assets have been acquired and appropriate financing provided, these assets must be managed efficiently . By managing currents assets effectively and efficiently, the company can increase its returns and minimizes its risk of illiquidity.


Financial Management has become very complex over the last few decades. The area of financial has emerged into a unique area separate from either economics or accounting. It has since developed into a very decision oriented field where internal decisions are made in context of the external financial environment with a goal of maximized shareholder's wealth.

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Q: What are the three major functions of the financial manager and how are they related?
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What are the three major functions of the financial manager How are they related?

a).What are the three major functions of the financial manager?How are they related? Ans: Introduction Financial Management is the efficient and effective planning and controlling of financial resources so as to maximize profitability and ensuring liquidity for an individual (called Personal Finance) , government (called public finance) and for profit and non-profit organization/firm (called corporate or managerial finance).Generally, it involves balancing risks and profitability. The decision function of financial management can be divided into the following three major areas: 1):Investment Decision: The most important decision.It begins with the firm determining the total amount of assets needed to be held by the firm.There are two types of investment decision: a):Capital Investment Decision: Involves large sums of money.The impact is critical.Example acquire a new machine or to set up a new plant. b):Working Capital Investment Decision: A more routine or schedule form of decision.Examples are determination of the amount of inventories , cash and account receivables to hold within a certain period. 2):Financing Decision: The second major decision . After deciding on what assets to buy or what securities to invest in , the financial manager would have to decide on how to finance these assets. Sources of finance -- 2 sources ; Borrowings and / or Capital. 3):Assets Management Decision: The third and the last decision. Once the assets have been acquired and appropriate financing provided, these assets must be managed efficiently . By managing currents assets effectively and efficiently, the company can increase its returns and minimizes its risk of illiquidity. Conclusion: Financial Management has become very complex over the last few decades. The area of financial has emerged into a unique area separate from either Economics or accounting. It has since developed into a very decision oriented field where internal decisions are made in context of the external financial environment with a goal of maximized shareholder's wealth.

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Modern approach of financial management provides a conceptual and analytical framework for financial decision making. According to this approach there are 4 major decision areas that confront the Finance Manager these are:- a) Investment Decisions; b) Financing Decisions; c) Dividend Decisions d) Financial Analysis, Planning and Control Decisions