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it is becuz somethin somethin

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Q: What are the things that convert mechanical energy to electrical energy?
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What are 2 things of energy that generators convert into electrical energy?

Generators convert mechanical energy, typically from sources like wind or water, into electrical energy through the process of electromagnetic induction. Another source of energy that generators can convert is chemical energy, such as in fuel-powered generators where the chemical energy in the fuel is converted into mechanical energy which is then converted into electrical energy.

Machines and living things can convert stored energy into what?

Machines and living things can convert stored energy into different forms of energy such as mechanical, electrical, or heat energy, depending on the process or mechanism involved.

What energy does batteries convert to?

Electrical because when it lets out it's energy it works electrical things such as computers, cell phones, and lots of other things!

What can thermal energy convert into?

Thermal energy can be converted into alot of things just go find out what it is.


a motor...

Which pair is made up of two things that work in opposite way's A bar magnet and horseshoe magnet B chemical energy and mechanical energy C generator and motor D solar energy and geothermal energy?

C. Generator and motor. A generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, while a motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

What four things can electrical energy produce?

Electrical energy can produce light, heat, mechanical work, and sound.

What are the two things that require magnets to function properly?

Among other things, electric motors, generators, particle accelerators.

What is the purpose of a motor?

The purpose of a motor is to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy to produce motion or rotational force. It is commonly used in various applications such as powering vehicles, appliances, industrial equipment, and machinery.

What 3 things that electrical energy can become?

Light energy: Electrical energy can power light bulbs, LEDs, and other lighting sources to produce light. Heat energy: Electrical energy can be converted to heat through devices like electric stoves, heaters, and electric kettles. Mechanical energy: Electrical energy can drive electric motors and machinery, converting the energy into mechanical work.

An electric motor converts electrical energy to potential energy?

Actually, an electric motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy by using the interaction between magnetic fields to produce motion. It does not specifically convert electrical energy into potential energy.

Why is electrical energy is useful?

Electrical energy is useful because it is a versatile form of energy that can be easily transmitted over long distances, making it convenient for powering homes, industries, and transportation. It is also a clean form of energy when generated from renewable sources, contributing to a more sustainable future. Additionally, electrical energy can be easily converted into other forms of energy, such as mechanical energy in electric motors.