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Go to an aviation college, and get the training along with the degree. I am a little concerned with what an aviation degree does for a person who suddenly because of health or other issues, can't fly.San Jacintot has a 2-year program that gets an Associate Degree, and all the ratings. After that, you can move to another college and finish out a 4-year degree in some fall-back area.

Get your 4-year degree, and then attend an accelerated program such as ATP, where you will spend 50-70K, loans are available, and get all the ratings in about 3-9 months.

Go to your local flight school, and take the training there. This will sometimes be a little hodge podge, and the schools can be all over the map in terms of quality of training and equipment. I live in a major metro area, and I know of only three local flight schools where I would/have sent my children. These schools, no matter what they say, just aren't geared to getting you through quickly. Plan on at least 2 years from start to finish.

After you get your 4-year degree, go to the military. The upside is that you get to fly some really neat equipment and serve your country. The downside is that, if you are not s..t-hot, you may find yourself flying some really mundane equipment, and you are still committed to a long time in the service. I think the current commitment is 10 years, Did I mention that you might get shot at!

My suggestion is that you go to the local airport, find a school that has reasonably new and clean aircraft, and take a few lessons. Maybe even go through the complete Private course. If you already possess the 4-year degree, then IMHO ATP is the best way to go because it will get you done in a very short period of time. Remember the clock on the end of your career is already ticking. If you don't have a 4-year degree, then you have some time to explore the other options.

Another point for ATP. When you finish at ATP, you will have 200 hours of multiengine time. At most flight schools, you will graduate with maybe 10-15 hours of multi time, and can't even be insured. You will spend months trying to find a way to "bag" some time so that you can get on the insurance so that you can teach in the twin. On the other hand, at ATP you are drinking from a fire hose, and not everyone is committed enough or even capable of doing that.

Eliza Hodgson

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Q: What are the steps that you should take to become a pilot?
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