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Q: What are the specific skills needed for melodrama?
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Why do you think you are sutable for this post?

The best answer to why you are suitable for a certain post is to address the specific criteria one by one. You need to match your skills to the skills needed for the post.

What unique skills or knowledge can you contribute to our company?

Every company requires a unique set of skills that will prove to be beneficial to their company. Researching a company will provide you with the information to specific skills needed for a position.

What kind of specific skills knowledge or abilities are needed when you are a lawyer?

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How does melodrama typically end?

what does music have to do with melodrama

What specific skills do you need for your job being a doctor?

well being a doctor is NOT easy... you need to go and study in the medical field, no skills needed just a big brain :)

Why did colonists need artisians?

Because they couldn't make everything themselves. They needed people with specific skills to do things that they each individually couldn't.

What is the difference between transferable skills and specific skills?

Transferable skills are acquired from past jobs and specific skills are general skills sharpen to work in a specific field.

Is friends the tv show a melodrama?

No it is not a melodrama, it is a comedy show.

Which century did the melodrama develop?

Melodrama was developed in the 18th century