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Arnis is an art of empty hand

Arnis is often considered as an art that involves weapons such as sticks, daggers, bolos, among others. It is generally thought that without these weapons, arnis cannot be practiced.

Precisely speaking, Arnis is an art of empty hand.

Unlike other arts that first teaches empty hands techniques and then weapons at a higher belt, Arnis uses weapons training that leads to empty hand thereby accomplish two things - weapons training and empty hands training.

This kind of training is effective to prepare the student in both armed and unarmed real life combat scenario.

Weapons are extension of your hand

Arnis is an art of offense and defense, weapons are just an extension of the hands and skills of an Arnis player. Arnis has a set of hand patterns and body movements that the weapons follow through the hands of a trained Arnis player.

Arnis is convertible art

Although Arnis training use sticks such as rattan, kamagong (iron wood) , and bahi, the patterns and movements used in Arnis for sticks are also convertible to other weapons even to make shift weapon such as a pen.

Arnis Blocks are Strikes and Arnis Strikes are Blocks

Arnis consolidates strikes and blocks into one. A block can be a strike by using the technique referred to as "displacement". By displacement in Arnis means, striking to the opponents vital points instead of blocking the stick. In Arnis techniques for strikes can also be used for blocks.

Everything is a setup in Arnis

An Arnis player should know that everything in Arnis is a setup that could lead to another. A strike could be a setup to a counter and a block can be a setup for a strike, counter strike can also be a setup for a block or a strike.

Arnis double sticks develop hand coordination

By training with double sticks, Arnis makes the weaker hands complement the stronger hand. If you are right handed your right hand is your stronger hand while the left hand is the weaker hand.

As an example, double sticks trains the left hand to properly block and parry the opponent the same way he will do using a single stick.

Arnis Sword and Dagger develops punch, push and thrust

In Arnis the left hand are often used to check, parry, and grab the opponents hands or weapon, however, the left hand can be fully utilized by training it to punch, push, and thrust.

This realization can be done in Arnis by training with Espada y Daga or Sword and dagger.

Strike at the nearest point

The crown of the head is often the target of an Arnis player, this is logical since a strike to the head can cause fatal and immediate effect.

However it is important to note that in Arnis the head is also the most protected area of the body and everybody learns to protect it.

You could strike at the nearest point of the opponent's body instead, rather than trying to strike to the head, it may not be as fatal but it sure will bring damage to the opponent.

Own your Arnis technique

Practice your techniques continuously and repeated until it becomes your reflex action or your second nature. In real life situation, you do not have the luxury of thinking twice, by burning the technique into your muscle memory, your reaction will be an instinct during such situation.

In Arnis, It is not the number of techniques you know, it on how many techniques you can execute effectively, efficiently and accurately under stress and pressure.

Arnis Sparring and competition develops you

Participating in arnis sparring sessions and competitions enables you to test your skills and efficiency level. A cooperative opponent is a partner who is willing to be hit and allows you to execute your techniques on him. While the uncooperative opponent, is a partner who is not willing to be hit and employs every means that his disposal to go against you on a controlled manner.

Training with a dummy or a cooperative opponent is only good for honing your techniques but it does not give you the benefit of testing your skills against a moving, engaging and uncooperative opponent.

Remember that the uncooperative opponent is an example of a real-life combat scenario without the rules.

xD --->akira11

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