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The advantages of using internal recruiting is that it is cheaper to advertise and waste less time trying to look for people you don't know and what skills they could contain filling in a job application. When you already have someone employed in the organisations you already know what they are capable of and the employee will already know about the organisation its aims and objectives. At the same time, the organization has established an employment history showing the workers formal and informal skills and abilities. However there are some disadvantages such as it can negatively affect morale and commitment of those not promoted also Promotes individual competition for promotion, which can affect cooperation and collaboration. Also a lack of new employees from the outsides leads to a lack of new ideas and approaches.

There is also external recruitment. This is when you employ someone from outside the organisation. The advantages could be that you can get a wider audience for the job. By Advertising The choice of advertising media (e.g. national newspaper, internet, specialist magazine etc) depends on the requirement for the advert to reach a particular audience and, crucially, the advertising budget. This increases the chance that the business will be able to recruit the skills it needs . The disadvantages could be more training needed means more money spent also more money spent on advertisement.

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13y ago
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10y ago

They include: Outside people bring in new ideas and skills, Larger pool of workers from which to choose the best candidate and looking outside the organization also allows a company to target the key players that may make its competition successful. External recruitment is the assessment of an available pool of job candidates, other than existing staff.

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7y ago

Internal Recruitment has certain benefits over external recruitment as internal recruitment provides benefits like:

- friendly environment within the corporate culture. It

- Supportive for employees as they can look for openings within the organization.

- Career Development (can openly apply for new position)

- Compensation Negotiation with less pressure.

The above are some of the benefits that can be counted.

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12y ago

1. easy access of manpower

2. source of new blood (in terms of new knowledge)

3. pool of talent

4. motivate old employees to work hard.

5. source of encouragement for old and newly recruited employees

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17y ago

1. Introduction of new ideas, approaches and views, not entrenched in company politics and issues. 2.No problem of promoting one worker over others risking friction & resentment.

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11y ago

Advantage of external recruitment are:

1: More time consuming

2: More expensive

3: Could cause problems with internal candidates

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13y ago

What is the different between internal and external recruitment

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10y ago

improved employee morale

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internet recruitment sites, Newspaper and Trade publication advertisements, College and University recruitment.

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