

Best Answer

well first of all,


  • wash your hands.
  • sneeze either in a tissue or in the crack of your elbow.
  • stay away from anyone who is sick or is in the process of being sick.
  • cover your mouth when you cough with your hands but make sure to wash them after.
  • ALWAYS disinfect everything anyone touches.


  • do NOT share any drinks or food.
  • do NOT allow anyone to come near you when they are coughing,or sneezing.
  • do NOT let them cough or sneeze on you or wipe their hands on you.

-your welcome,mermer2500!

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Q: What are some tips for staying safe from flu?
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What information can be found on the Contac website?

On Contac cold and flu's website you can find product listings, myths about the flu, tips for avoiding catching a cold or the flu, as well as some home remedies to help with flu symptoms. It also has coupons and promotions available.

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If a person who doesn't have the swine flu is prescribed flu medications and takes it is it safe?

If the person is prescribed by a doctor it is safe. But if they are taking it for fun it is probably like a drug.

If I go to England Have I got a lot of chances of getting swine flu?

no more than staying at home

Is there safe flu medicines that isn't a dope?

The only medical treatments available are used to relieve the symptoms of flu, NOT to cure the disease - you cannot cure flu. Flu vaccine, like all vaccines is a prophylactic - it stops you getting flu. All vaccines of all types are based on the virus they are used against or some very closely related virus that the body regards as identical - some vaccines are dead, some are weakened (attenuated) so that they do not cause disease.

What immunizations are safe during pregnancy?

The flu shot for one

What is a good use of swine flu?

A good use of the swine flu virus is to use it in a preventive vaccine so people who get the flu vaccination are safe from suffering the illness. Get your flu vaccination right away for the 2013-2014 flu season!

How safe is the H1N1 shot?

The shot has been tested just as all flu vaccines are and it perfectly safe.

Is it safe to get both the seasonal flu shot and the H1N1-09 virus flu shot?

Yes. In fact, now the seasonal flu shots are combined with the H1N1 Virus flu shot, so you don't have to get two.

Is the cetamol for cold and flu medicine safe to take by pregnant women?

That drug is probably paracetamol. It is safe in pregnancy.

Should you get a flu shot if you are traveling to Belize?

yes because you are never to safe

Is dental work safe when you have the flu?

No. This can just simply be you flu kicking in. Your body is infected with a virus days before you see and feel the affects. It is just coincidence that it was the day after you went to the dentist.