

What are some famous pilots?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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13y ago

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Most famous were: Roland Garros(the first forward firing gun was his invention),Georges Guynemer(of the Storks regiment), (the invincible) Albert Ball, Manfred Von Richthofen(holds the title of most planes downed during the war), Raoul Lufbery, Edward Mannock(holds the highest number of planes downed for the Allies), Willy Coppens(most recognized balloon shooter), Dave Ingalis(the most famous navy pilot) and Eddie Rickenbacker.

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16y ago
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12y ago

von Richtofen (red baron) , Captain Roy Brown, Orville and Wilbur Wright (Wright brothers) , Jim mollison, Amelia Earhart, Bessie Coleman, Harriet Quimby, Jacqueline Cochran, Beryl Markham, Amy Johnson, Hannah Reitsch, Charles Kingsford Smith, John Alcock, Arthur Brown, Max Immelman, Guy Gibson, Douglas Bader, Richard Bong, Adolf Galland, Jean Batten, Charles Lindburgh, Oswald Boelcke, Jimmy Doolittle, Brian Trubshaw, Peter Townsend, Louis Blériot,

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13y ago

the wright brothers and Amelia Earhart were famous pilots.for the person who said the doodle bops are famous pilots,first of all how do you know about the doodle bobs and second you are extremely stupid . :- (

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9y ago

There are many famous pilots. Here are just a few:

Wilbur and Orville Wright - accredited for the first powered flight in an airplane - 1903

Charles Lindbergh - First to fly from New York to Paris - 1927

Amelia Earhart - First woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean alone - 1932

Howard Hughes - Broke several speed records 1935-38

Chuck Yeager - First man to break the sound barrier - 1947

This list is just a few of famous pilots and just one of their accomplishments. These pilots actually accomplished many more things in their lifetime. Also many of the astronauts and cosmonauts were and are also pilots.

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13y ago

That's kind of a big question. There were many fighter pilots who were considered great, but what constitutes the best is rather difficult to say. However, I'll list one or two fighter pilot from each of the nations that had serious involvement in WWI, that I consider the best, or on of that nation. First, Germany. The first pilot that comes to mind is of course, Manfred Von Richtofen, also known as the red barron. He was the highest scoring fighter pilot of that war with 80 kills. The next I think of, is Oswald Boelcke. Boelcke wrote the Dicta Boelcke, the first codified a list of air combat tactics. He was also the red barrons personal mentor. Second, england. James McCudden was a famous fighter pilot with 57 kills Albert Ball was another, with a slightly lower score. He did however, get his kills in less time then McCudden. Then, there's France. Georges Guynemer, with 53 kills. He flew with an unmatched bravery and tenacity. Then, there's Rene Fonck, the highest scoring allied pilot of that war, with 75 kills. I consider Fonck to have been a better pilot then Manfred Von Richtofen for one, and only one reason. This being, Fonck survived the war, Richtofen didn't. Finally, there's the united states. The grate pilot that comes to mind, is obviously Edward, or Eddy Rickonbacker. Rickonbacker was Americas ace of aces with 26 aerial kills. The united states didn't achieve the kill records of the other nations because it was only involved in air operations for the last year of WWI. Rickenbacker achieved his kills quickly, do to his incredible skill. He also achieved unmatched loyalty from the air squadron he commanded. He was a true treasure to the aviation community.

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13y ago

Some Aces of WWI by Country:


Manfred von Richtofen

Oswald Boelcke

Kurt Wolff

Herman Goering


Albert Ball

James McCudden

Lance Hawker


Roy Brown

Billy Bishop


Frank Luke

Eddie Rickenbacker


Charles Nungesser

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14y ago

A Flying Ace I believe.

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