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Do you agree with Todd Gitlin that the media has a mostly negative influence on our lives? If so, what should we be doing to limit this influence? If not, why not?

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Q: What are some advantages and disadvantages to being a news resister?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of streaming in the society?

The advantages of streaming in the society included the speed at which news can travel along with the increased availability of news and information. The disadvantages of streaming in the society include the fact that incorrect reports can be transferred around the society almost instantly.

Q.2 Mention any two advantages and disadvantages of the putting-out system?

It provides news, comment and analysis on Irish and international news stories

What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a news anchor?

Yes! It is a good career. But first you need a high school diploma and a bachelors degree in journalism. But you do feel pressured! And if you dont like being in front of a camera than I wouldnt recommend this is a job for you. But they also provide free clothes for you if your in front of the camera.

What are the advantages of being a news reporter?

Not very stable income May have long hours

What are the advantages and disadvantages of times of India newspaper?

this news paper is mainly used for students.the students read this news paper and improve their communication skills.and is also used for business people they are advertising about their business.this news papaer is give some ideas to the favourite news paper is the times of india.the people knowing all news about the world through this paper.this news paper having something speciality.i love it.

Advantages and Disadvantages of online newspaper?

An on line newspaper, known as 'web news' has many advantages and disadvantages: an advantage of this is the free and cheap in site of world news. however a disadvantage of this would be a lower income for the newspaper industry which could leave them bust. Many people have said 'they will become bust in 2-5 years.'

Disadvantages of mass media?

Some disadvantages of mass media include the potential for spreading misinformation, the risk of promoting stereotypes or biased viewpoints, and the tendency to prioritize sensationalism over factual reporting. Additionally, mass media can contribute to information overload and desensitization to important issues.

What are the advantages ad disadvantages of fast means of communication nowadays?

Hmm... Advantages is good news spread faster. Disadvantages is bad news spread faster too. Advantages is that we can share more,in shorter time,and also benefit and be benefited more.Everything became almost instant.Sms,Internet connectivity(though malaysian connection suxks),cellular phone technology, WiFi and also others technology.There are many others advantages but i couldn't think of now. Disadvantages...harder to answer to this question.I think,maybe it'll further jeopardize the intellectual property rights.Sharing or pirated movies,musics and other intellectual properties becomes instants also.I mean,why pay a few bucks to cinema while you can sit back and watch it on over the net ? Well...i'm not really into the communication field.Jst find this topic interesting and joined in discussion.

Disadvantages of a broadcast news analyst?

Some disadvantages of being a broadcast news analyst include the pressure of providing accurate information in a fast-paced environment, the scrutiny and criticism from audiences and media watchdog groups, and the potential for bias or sensationalism in reporting to attract viewership. Additionally, the demanding schedule and irregular hours can lead to a high level of stress and burnout.

Disadvantages of news papers?

giving wrong text about the hero and heroins

What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern media Iin Hindi?

Modern media like social media and news websites provide instant access to information and global connectivity but can also spread misinformation and lead to information overload. It enables faster communication and sharing of diverse perspectives but can also create echo chambers and lead to privacy concerns.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of media in today's society?

Advantages: Information dissemination: Media helps provide access to a wide range of information and news. Connectivity: It allows for global communication and interconnectedness. Education: Media can be a source of education and learning opportunities. Disadvantages: Misinformation: There is a risk of fake news and misinformation spreading easily through media. Influence on perceptions: Media can shape public opinion and influence societal norms. Privacy concerns: Personal data can be compromised through media platforms.