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Q: What apprenticeship can you do with a btec IT?
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Is engineering a btec or a gcse?

In my school it's a BTEC. If it doesn't say BTEC before it, it will probably be GCSE in your school. But if it's BTEC, you will get 2 GCSE's instead of 1.

What gcses do you need to be a plumber?

Physics, maths. You probably need at least 5 A*-C GCSEs

Can you do btec and a levels?

yes you can do a btec national deploma at A-Level

Oxfam ownership in business BTEC?

Oxfam is a charity.Answered in a BTEC Busines Lesson

What country issues BTEC qualifications?

There are many counties that issue BTEC qualifications. The country that issues BTEC qualifications is the country known as England. Wales also issues these.

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what should i study after my four years course of btec in IT? what should i study after my four years course of btec in IT?

What is a BTEC First equivalent to?

BTEC First Certificate = 2 GCSEsBTEC First Diploma = 4 GCSEs

What is a Btec qualification?

btec is a easier way of working then gcse and is more practical work then corsework. IT IS NOT FOR STUPID PEOPLE!

What is a BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma equivalent to?

A BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary diploma is equivalent to two A levels.

Where can one study for a BTEC National Diploma?

There are many places one might go to study to receive a BTEC National Diploma. The most reputable source for getting information for this diploma would be the official BTEC website.

Is business BTEC worth doing instead of GCSE?

I'm doing business btec at the moment and I think it is worth doing, you get 2 gcse's in the end so you may as well! -Flonk28

What is the difference between btec music and gcse music?

BTEC Music is all coursework. GCSE Music is coursework and an listening exam. But BTEC you can get like say 4 GCSE grade C's in it but as for GCSE you only get 1.