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Around 6 months sit up and around eight moths they can pick up a cherio and between 12 -14 month they walk. They continue to develop their skills as they grow with milestones available on every baby site. Like they can't use scissors until they are six years old. good luck joymaker RN

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Q: What age do fine and gross muscle coordination begin working together?
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Why is oxygen so much more critical to the heart muscle then to skeletal muscle?

It isn't more critical, the heart muscle itself is simply one of the most important and necessary muscles which we need to survive. Any muscle when deprived of oxygen will begin to die off, in the case of a thigh muscle however it's more likely to just necessitate amputation (to prevent gangrene from rotting tissue) or it would just result in the muscle not working anymore. The only real distinction that if the heart muscle just "doesn't work anymore" you're dead, you can survive without a bicep or tricep, not without a heart.Oxygen is vital to all muscles. Without oxygen cells die. When oxygen is not received to a skeletal muscle, the muscle wil begin to die out and you will feel tightness, cramps and a lot of pain in the effected region. When heart muscle is deprived of oxygen that is what is known as a heart atack. Blood (oxygen) is blocked from the heart and the muscle of the heart (myocardium) begins to die off. If too much of the myocardium dies the heart will not work properly. The heart will begin to go into Ventricalarfibrulation (V-Fib).

When did Mother Teresa leave teaching to begin working with poor?

In !936 to begin the help for the poor

What makes a muscle?

A muscle is made of many cylindrical muscle fibers. The many fibers are bound together with connective tissue. Nerves and blood vessels (arteries and veins) run along the connective tissue.In every muscle fiber, there are thick filaments, made of the protein myosin, and thin filaments, made of the protein actin. The filaments overlap to form the sarcomere, a part of the muscle. Myosin has little heads that attach to actin, and pull on it. This is when the sarcomere contracts, and when all of the sarcomeres of a muscle contract, the entire muscle contracts.

Why does you muscle begin to swell after routine weight lifting?

Muscles can swell after weightlifting due to microtears in the muscle fibers caused by the exertion of lifting weights. This inflammation response is a normal part of the muscle repair process and indicates that the muscles are adapting to the stress of the workout. Increased blood flow and fluid retention in the muscles can also contribute to the swelling.

What do you need to begin working as a professional photographer?

a camera