The point of it is for candidates to argue their positions and to differentiate themselves from each other before the voting public.
When you are asked why you will be a good candidate for a position you want to make sure that you stress your abilities. Your abilities will set you a part from other candidates.
The charateristics that differentiate families from other social groups are law, education, lifestyle.
our abilities to help other people
Some of the other candidates were: Stephen Douglas, Benjamin Fitzpatrick, and Hannibal Hamlin.
highlights about yourself that make you stand out from all other candidates.
Candidates for Federal judgeships are suggested to the president by the Department of Justice, Senators, other judges, the candidates themselves, and the lawyers associations and other interest associations
In reality, states have no position in the nomination of presidential candidates other than holding legal elections. The parties determine the candidates.
Hair and mammillary glands.
They can learn new things from each other like in studying or playing or certain things. they can share their abilities with each other.
Since you will probably not know the other candidates you will not be able to compare yourself to them. Instead, focus on your strengths, skills, and expertise.
How does the doctor differentiate between healthy cells and cancerous cells? He tied a red ribbon around his suitcase to differentiate it from all the other luggage on the conveyor belt. We knew she needed glasses when she couldn't differentiate any of the letters in the eye chart.