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the OP that you need to get is 15 i think check on Google

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Q: What OP do you need to get in year 12 to become a vet nurse?
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What op do you need to get to become a vet nurse?

I am pretty sure that you have to get an op 1 or 2 cause that is what my cousin told me. And she wants to become a vet aswell.

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what qualifications do you need to become a vet nurse ??

What kind of degree do you need to become a vet tech?

a 2 year associates degree

Where can you obtain training for becoming a vet?

how to becaome a vet and wat educaition and training you need to become a vet how to becaome a vet and wat educaition and training you need to become a vet yofyfyufikliuop[;'#

How long does it take to become a fully trained vet?

it takes about 6 years to become fully qualified as a vet because, if you want to be a vet who is qualified as a nurse and surgeon, than you actually only need to take the surgical course, because a nurse is limited to a few treatments but as as surgeon you know what a nurse knows and everything else.

What kind of job can you get with a medicine degree?

You can become a doctor, vet, some kind of nurse

Do you need a grade twelve education to become a vet?

Yes, you need your grade twelve education to become a vet, along with schooling from University.

What attributes do you need to become a vet?

you will need bbb and tfww

What are the qualifications for a vet?

those are the requirements to be a VEGETARIAN... to be a VET you have to have D.V.M, a state license, pre-vet courses, you have to be able to diagnose the problem with the animal, and much more.

What needs do you need to be a vet?

a four year (bachebr degree) plus four year of vet school

What courses do you need to take to do to become a vet?

you need to accomplish math and science

What degree o you need to become a vet?

Veterinary Degree