When a concave surface is moving the roll and the glide occur in the same direction and that when a convex surface is moving the roll and glide are opposite.
Here's an example:
If the tibia moves on the femur since it is a concave surface it is said the glide is anterior only; however, is the motion is closed chain and the femur is moving on a stationary tibia then the femur which is a convex surface glides posterior and rolls anterior on the tibia's plateau.
hope this helps!
The opposite of convex is concave. Concave shapes have an inward curve, while convex shapes have an outward curve.
It can be convex or concave.
convex and concave
an ovoid joint is also called a condyloid joint. It is when one surface is convex and one surface is concave. Example: wrists and proximal knuckles
Lenses: converging (convex) and diverging (concave) Mirrors: concave and convex
concave=in convex=out
During plantar flexion of the ankle, the talus glides posteriorly in the ankle mortise, causing a relative motion of the tibia and fibula to create a concave-convex relationship. This means the talus acts as the concave surface moving on the convex tibial plafond and fibular notch.
A rhombus is an equilateral parallelogram. As such, it is neither concave nor convex.
The Rear view mirrors are convex The Headlights are concave