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Endocrine glands usually release hormones into the blood stream that affect how body tissues behave as well as how some glands and muscle perform. The three ways that stimulate endocrine glands to release hormone are as follows; the release of another hormone, presence of some substances in extracellular fluids and neural stimulation.

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Q: What 3 ways can endocrine glands stimulate themselves?
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How do endocrine glands differ from other glands?

Endocrine glands secrete hormones and exocrine glands secrete enzymes. Endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the blood stream, while exocrine glands secrete enzymes through ducts. endocrine is ductless gland exocrine retain their duct, exocrine empty through their duct to epithelial such as sweat, oil, glands, liver and pancrease

What are some ways the endocrine system affects health and disease?

cardiovascular endocrinology, diabetes, growth disorders, hormone abuse, menopause, osteoporosis, pituitary disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome, reproductive endocrinology, thyroid conditions/disorders

What are facts about the endocrine system?

Helps maintain Homeostasis. It also regulates metabolism, water, and mineral balance.Here are some facts about endocrine system: 1. the glands of the endocrine system and their secretion (or the hormones they produce) influence cell and function of our body.2. Glands in endocrine system secrete major hormones directly in the bloodstream. Important glands of endocrine system include: hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenals etc..3. The hormones (which are often called chemical messengers) that are released by glands in endocrine system are very crucial to regulating different systems of our body including our mood and growth. I think there are more than 20 major hormones which are secreted by glands in endocrine system.4. Endocrine system controls the body processes that happen slowly, like cell growth.5. Glands from this system form signaling pathways. (endocrine signaling?)Well i dont really know but i will tell you this. look on other websites and they will give you the answer. or you could grab a health book and look there or just ask your teacher. So start searching. Hope i help give you ways to search for the answer.

How the endocrine and exocrine glands differ in structure and function?

The glands in human body are of two types. One is exocrine glands and the other isendocrine glands. The exocrine glands produce fluid secretions that are delivered by tubes or ducts either to the body surface for example glands of skin or to the inner regions where these are required for example pancreas delivers its pancreatic juice to the intestine for digesting food etc. Endocrine glands produce secretions called hormones that are not carried by ducts but are passed into the blood streamand carried to the target area by blood circulation. The following endocrine glands are present in human body; pituitary gland, pancreas (islets of langerhans), thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and gonads. The function of endocrine glands is very much inter-related. Several of the hormones produced by them serve only to alter the functions of other endocrine glands. They serve as double check automatic control over one another. The pituitary gland is known as master gland in the body and plays an important role in several ways. It has certain hormones which have direct action on the body for example the growth hormone. Thyroid gland is located in the neck and fits closely around the from and side of trachea just below the organ of voice of larynx.Endocrine glands lose their connection to the surface, and are often called ductless glands. Their secretions diffuse directly into the blood vessels that weave through the glands. Exocrine glands retain their ducts and their secretions empty through the ducts to the epithelieal surface. They are both internal and external.The function of the endocrine system is to secrete regulatory hormones into the bloodstream, whereas the exocrine system is designed to secrete substances other than hormones, into ducts which lead to the external environment. To compare structure, endocrine glands are far more vascular, and do not require ducts. Endocrine glands include such organs as the pituitary and adrenal glands. Exocrine glands include such things as sweat, salivary and mammary glands.Not all glands are exclusively endocrine or exocrine; the pancreas produces both insulin which is released into the bloodstream, and pancreatic juices which are directed into the digestive tract via the pancreatic duct.Endocrine Glands eventually lose their ducts, they are often call doctles glands; they produce hormones.Exocrine Glands secrete their products into body surfaces (skin) or body cavities, they include mucous, sweat, osl, and salivary glands.Unicellular exocrine glands produ mucin a glyro protain that dissolve in water when secreted, once disolve musin forms mucus. In globe cells mucin distine the top of the cell, making the cell look like a glass with a steam.

How do the endocrine and exocrine gland's differ in structure and function?

The glands in human body are of two types. One is exocrine glands and the other isendocrine glands. The exocrine glands produce fluid secretions that are delivered by tubes or ducts either to the body surface for example glands of skin or to the inner regions where these are required for example pancreas delivers its pancreatic juice to the intestine for digesting food etc. Endocrine glands produce secretions called hormones that are not carried by ducts but are passed into the blood streamand carried to the target area by blood circulation. The following endocrine glands are present in human body; pituitary gland, pancreas (islets of langerhans), thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and gonads. The function of endocrine glands is very much inter-related. Several of the hormones produced by them serve only to alter the functions of other endocrine glands. They serve as double check automatic control over one another. The pituitary gland is known as master gland in the body and plays an important role in several ways. It has certain hormones which have direct action on the body for example the growth hormone. Thyroid gland is located in the neck and fits closely around the from and side of trachea just below the organ of voice of larynx.Endocrine glands lose their connection to the surface, and are often called ductless glands. Their secretions diffuse directly into the blood vessels that weave through the glands. Exocrine glands retain their ducts and their secretions empty through the ducts to the epithelieal surface. They are both internal and external.The function of the endocrine system is to secrete regulatory hormones into the bloodstream, whereas the exocrine system is designed to secrete substances other than hormones, into ducts which lead to the external environment. To compare structure, endocrine glands are far more vascular, and do not require ducts. Endocrine glands include such organs as the pituitary and adrenal glands. Exocrine glands include such things as sweat, salivary and mammary glands.Not all glands are exclusively endocrine or exocrine; the pancreas produces both insulin which is released into the bloodstream, and pancreatic juices which are directed into the digestive tract via the pancreatic duct.Endocrine Glands eventually lose their ducts, they are often call doctles glands; they produce hormones.Exocrine Glands secrete their products into body surfaces (skin) or body cavities, they include mucous, sweat, osl, and salivary glands.Unicellular exocrine glands produ mucin a glyro protain that dissolve in water when secreted, once disolve musin forms mucus. In globe cells mucin distine the top of the cell, making the cell look like a glass with a steam.

What are three ways in which endocrine glands are stimulated to secrete their hormones?

· Hormonal stimuli - the most common; endocrine organs are prodded into action by other hormones. Hormone release promoted by this mechanism tends to be rhythmic, with hormone blood levels rising and falling again and again · Humoral Stimuli - changing blood levels of certain ions and nutrients stimulate hormone release. Humoral refers to humor to indicate the various body fluids (blood, bile, etc). · Neural Stimuli - In isolated cases, nerve fibers stimulate hormone release, and the target cells are said to respond to neural stimulus. The classic example is sympathetic nervous system stimulation of the adrenal medulla to release norepinephrine and epinephrine during periods of stress.

The endocrine system produces chemicals that?

Good question......................................................What? Am I supposed to answer it? Fine! The endocrine system consists of glands that, through the secretion of hormones, regulate just about every aspect of your body in very specific ways. Almost every cell and organ of the body is regulated by the endocrine system. There! Now go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the part in bold is the answerthis person is fairly mean:)

Does jazz stimulate growth?

There are no theories saying either ways!

How does the body produce adrenaline?

Adrenalin Produces in Various ways. But the most Suitable and Easable for every one is When yoiu are sitting on armchair or even liy comfortaby is enough the you've to think about anything which is very extremal. (Like Sleeping with with a sexy women or killing someone or even be a ruler of aeroplane and you are driving the aeroplane etc..) Source: Russian International School. I'm only a 9 Grade Student and my english is not on Advance , So just don't mind about my mistakes... Anushery Odiboev: Student.

What are 3 ways in which endocrine glands are stimulated to secrete their hormones?

Other hormones - hormones that stimulate the secretion of other hormones from endocrine glands are called tropic hormones. An example of this would be the secretion of human gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) by the hypothalamus. This hormone stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete follicle stimulating hormone (F SH) and luteurizing hormone (LH), two hormones particularly important in menstruation.Nerve impulse conduction - when a nerve impulse reaches the end of the nerve axon, neurotransmitters are released. In many cases, these neurotransmitters can act as endocrine hormones. For example, in order to stimulate muscle contraction, a nerve impulse that reaches the axon of a nerve that directly contacts a muscle (i.e. a motor neuron), will stimulate the release of acetylcholine. The acetylcholine binds receptors on the muscle and it contracts.Changes in concentration of extracellular ions or nutrients - many cells have molecules that can act as sensors of the extracellular environment, and changes in this environment can stimulate them to secrete hormones. A common example of this is the secretion of insulin or glucagon. If glucose concentration in the blood is high, insulin is secretes. If blood glucose is low, glucagon is secreted.In addition, many hormones can be secreted in response to environmental stimuli like a change in heat or light. Often times this secretion is indirect and utilizes one of the previous mentioned mechanisms. However one example of a direct affect of the environment is the hormone melatonin. Melatonin helps regulate sleep/wake cycles and is produced by the pineal gland when directly stimulated by darkness (i.e. night)hormonal humeral neural

How is the endocrine system and cardiovascular system interdependent?

The endocrine system and cardiovascular system are interdependent in several ways. The endocrine system releases hormones that regulate heart rate, blood pressure, and fluid balance, which are crucial for cardiovascular function. Conversely, the cardiovascular system transports these hormones throughout the body to reach their target organs and maintain overall homeostasis. In this way, both systems work together to ensure proper functioning of the body.

Two ways the endocrine system and nervous system are different?

The endocrine system uses hormones to send messages throughout the body, while the nervous system uses electrical impulses. The endocrine system acts more slowly but has longer-lasting effects compared to the rapid responses of the nervous system.