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Thesis statement

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Q: This is the way in which the main idea of a literary work is expressed usually as a generalization that is supported with concrete evidence?
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What does hasty generalization?

Hasty generalization is a logical fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence.

Definition of a hasty generalization?

An informal fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence

Is information that supports a generalization?


What is information that supports a generalization?


Is scientific evidence supported with theories?

You have it backwards. Theories are supported by evidence. Evidence is not supported by theories, evidence is simply observed.

What is information that supports a generalization and starts with 'ev'?

A word for information that supports a a generalization and starts with 'ev' is 'evidence'.

What is a scientif theory?

an idea supported by evidence

Are biased statements supported by evidence?

No, biased statements are not supported by evidence.

What is An argument supported by research and strong evidence?

An argument that is supported by research and strong evidence is one that is based on credible sources, data, and studies that back up the claims being made. This type of argument is more persuasive and reliable because it is not just based on opinions or beliefs, but on concrete evidence that has been thoroughly researched and analyzed.

What is a good habit to cultivate when making generalizations?

Providing evidence to support the generalization

What is supported inference?

A supported inference when you draw a conclusion about something using evidence. The evidence is the support for what you have inferred.

What is the difference between concrete and general evidence?

Concrete evidence is specific and fact-based, although general evidence is vague and and possibly an opinion.