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The policy of survival of the fittest in the workplace is known as climbing the ladder of success. Each person must watch out for their own job.

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Q: The policy of survival of the fittest in the workplace is known as what?
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What is natural selection also known as?

Survival of the fittest

Natural selection is also known as the survival of the what?

Natural selection is also known as the survival of the fittest. It is a process where organisms with advantageous traits for their environment tend to survive and reproduce at higher rates than those without such traits.

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Herbert Spencer

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Also known as Darwins theory of Natural Selection, as in survival of the fittest.

Any slogan in science?

Science does not really have slogans, although some phrases have come to be well known, such as Darwin's phrase, survival of the fittest.

What things effect population numbers?

Things that effect population are competition for food, also known as survival of the fittest. Starvation, hunting, and over population.

Contributions of herbert Spencer in sociology?

Sociologist and philosopher Herbert Spencer is known for his social Darwinism theory. He coined the popular phrase "survival of the fittest".

Who proposed the idea of survival of the fittest is a theory of evolution?

Charles Darwin. Also known as Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

What concepts were proposed by Darwin?

Darwin proposed the concept of natural selection, which is the process by which organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and reproduce. He also introduced the idea of common descent, which suggests that all species are descended from a common ancestor. Additionally, Darwin's work laid the foundation for the theory of evolution.

What is the phrase used to describe when some organisms are better adapted to their environment than other organisms and they are more likely to survive and reproduce?

The phrase used to describe this concept is "survival of the fittest," which is based on the idea of natural selection proposed by Charles Darwin. Organisms that are better adapted to their environment have a higher likelihood of surviving and passing on their advantageous traits to their offspring.

What is a sentence using the word survived?

The jungle is a dangerous place where survival requires constant vigilance. He had been to survival school in the military. Evolution is often stated as survival of the fittest.

Who is the fittest male in the world?

There are lots of fit males in the world, many of them are athletes. It is not known who is the fittest.