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Q: The first president to have a astroide named after him?
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Who was the first president to be named a Rhodes scholar?

Bill Clinton was the first US president to be named a Rhodes scholar.

What was the first US town named after a president?

Probably Washington, he was the first President.

Who was the first president to have an asteroid named after him?

The first president to have an asteroid named after him was George Washington. The asteroid "318" was named after him in 1890.

What was the president when the first named Georgia?

no ... i answer... not you

How many us presidents named Sebastian?

As of June 2014, no United States President has been named Sebastian. The first president was named George. The current president is named Barack.

Who was the first president to have a city named after him?

IF you mean US president, then perhaps President Washington!.

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Was George Washington Carver the first president?

No. Different man and different time. He was named after the first president.

Who was the first president named Franklin?

Franklin Pierce.

What president was the capital city of the us named for?

Washington, the capital city of the US was named for George Washington, the first US President.

Who is Venezuelas money named after?

Venezuela's money was named after Simon Bolivar, their first president

What is the orgin of the state name of Washington?

Washington was named in honor of George Washington, our first President. It in the only state named for a U.S. President.