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Q: The clergy took care of the serfs what?
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What is the hierachy of medievil times?

Society was made up of three 'estates' those who worked, those who prayed and those who fought. Basically the serfs who tilled the land and looked to the nobility and knights to protect them in times of war. In exchange for which they farmed and created food and goods for the nobility and the clergy. The clergy took care of everyone's spiritual needs and acted as advisors to the nobility and controlled the serfs through their sermons. The nobility/knights were the lords who obeyed the king and acted on his behalf. They kept castles with serfs who farmed for them and supplied them as indicated. They protected and funded the clergy. They fought wars on behalf of the king. At the top of the pile was the king who made the laws, collected taxes, made wars and created the nobility. at the bottom were the serfs who laboured without ceasing to supply those above with what they needed and wanted.

Did the clergy take care of serfs?

The clergy and the Church sometimes advocated for serfs. The popes and bishops put pressure on members of the nobility to treat serfs well, and even issued decrees about such things as the safety of serfs in time of war. The churches and monasteries also provided sanctuary for people who were fugitives of whatever sort. In some cases a fugitive from justice had to be turned over to authorities after he had sufficient time to consider his crime, confess and do penance, which might be six weeks. In other cases, the sanctuary of the church or monastery was permanent, regardless of who the fugitive was, why the fugitive was wanted, or who was after him.

What do serfs play part in?

Serfs took part in the middle ages as the great producers of food. Serfs also took part in the crusades, morality plays, and matches of mob football.

What does village priest have to do with clergy?

it has to do with the renassince time period of vasslas and knqights and serfs and lords and manors. googd luck!

What was the emancipation of the Russian serfs?

When Alexander II freed the serfs (peasants) in Russia in 1861. The serfs were never truly freed. The Russian government bought land from the landowners to give to the serfs, but the serfs were required to repay the Russian government. These repayments took 49 years and the serfs stayed on the land until it was fully repaid.

What did Sparta do to its neighbors the Messenians?

It took their territory and reduced them to serfs.

What were the three classes of the feudal system?

The three classes were the clergy (their duty was basically to pray), the nobility (their duty was to fight), and the serfs (they were to work).

What race were the serfs?

There was no special race of serfs. In the event of a recent takeover by outsiders, the serfs where of whatever the previous group had been. For example, after the Normans took England from the Anglo Saxons, the serfs were all Anglo Saxon. Aside from that, there was often no distinction. German serfs were German, as were their rulers, for example.

Was the primary responsibility of the clergy the care of spiritual life?


What was the primary responsibility of the clergy?

Care of souls of parishioners

Who were the three types of people in the middle ages and what did they do respectively?

There were serfs, who fed everyone. There were the nobility, who protected everyone. And there were clergy, who prayed for everyone to save their souls.

What was the hayward's job in medieval times?

A hayward was a person who was appointed by a lord or elected by serfs to take care of fences and hedgerows. In addition to those duties, the hayward took care of livestock on common land, and kept an eye out to see that livestock did not get into the hay fields and crops.