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Studies are always more important than sports because studies have much more vacancies than sports. If you are interested or good in any subject than u can atleast make a career in which you can spend your life happily but in sports if any person performed better than you.. Then you are shown the exit door...

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Harry Rogahn

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3y ago
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Q: Studies are more important than sports?
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Why are sports more important than studies?

Studies are always more important than sports because studies have much more vacancies than sports. If you are interested or good in any subject than u can atleast make a career in which you can spend your life happily but in sports if any person performed better than you.. Then you are shown the exit door...

Are sports more important than school?


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I think that sports are more important than games. This is simply because sport delivers just a little more than games do but in a way games are sports and sports are games. So technically they are equally as important as each other but sport just teaches and helps people more than games would.

Why girls sports are more important than boys?

They aren't. :|

How does education affects participation in sports?

many of the parents think that education is more important than sports so if a child wants to participate in sports than the parents think that they will miss their studies so they don't allow them to participate in sports, so for this reason education affect participation in sports.

Why do boys seem to pay more attention to sports than their girlfriends?

A girl has to decide if she wants to be with a boy that pays more attention to sports than her. Things do not change as they get older. Its not so bad if he does choose you over sports for important things.

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Which one has more sports Commonwealth or Olympics?

The Olympics has more sports than the Commonwealth Games.

Are women more punctual than men?

Women are not more punctual than men. According to studies, men are actually more punctual than women. However, you will find both men, and women who find punctuality important, and those in both genders who do not.

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We live in a world with an idolization of music and sports stars that are more important than world news and local politics.

How has increased global interdependence made the study of social studies more important than ever?

Because social studies by nature is the study of the entire world and how it is interacting. So if the world is interacting more and more then our youth needs to stay with the news and learn how and why our governments are in this position.