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Q: Should contaminated waste should immediately be placed in the nearest wastebasket?
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It Should be Discarded into the nearest red plastic lined trash.. :)

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In what timeframe must you remove contaminated PPE?

The time-frame for removing contaminated personal protective equipment (PPE) depends on the nature of the equipment, its intended use, and the nature of the contaminant. Contaminated laboratory gloves or lab coats should be removed immediately. Contaminated respiratory protection should be removed when the work is done or when you leave the work area. Thick gloves, aprons and other clothing designed for working with hazardous materials in industrial situations should be removed when leaving the work area or when the job is done.

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You should contact your nearest emergency department or poisons information center immediately. Ensure you have the name of the particular medication.

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it can'tbe located any were as in water that is contaminated or contaminated food which should not be eaten

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Treat it as contaminated and report the results.

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If someone you know is feeling suicidal, it's important to take them seriously and listen without judgment. Encourage them to seek professional help from a therapist, counselor, or helpline. Stay with them if they are in immediate danger and help them create a safety plan.

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Head trauma victims should be observed for headaches, nausea, vomiting, and changes in level of consciousness, and if any change they should attend the nearest Hospital immediately for investigation and further management

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Once food is contaminated with lead, it cannot be removed and the food should be not used.

How do you heal an eye with an ant bite?

Eye injuries should be treated very seriously. If a person suspects they have received an ant bite to the eye, they should immediately go to the nearest emergency room for treatment.

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Go immediately to your knees and repent before the Father for your blaspheme (Romans 6:23; John 3:3-8; Acts 2:38) or go immediately to your nearest hospital and tell the psychiatrist there....