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Q: Should children be forced to work by their parents?
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Why were the children forced to work in workhouses in the famine and why?

children were forced to work because there parents either got hurt or couldn't get a job and they got to support their family. Or they are either sold out by their family in the first place as parents are in great need of money.

Should there be more careful monitoring of children's work by parents and teachers?

Yes. Parents should be mindful of what's happening to their children even with school works. They have to work hand in hand with the children's teachers so as to give proper guidance to their children. The most successful children are always those who have parents that give their time to them.

What is childlabour?

where children forced to work is called childlabour

Should parents support their children or not?

Yes because parents have a whole lot to do and the kids are being taught to be better people when they grow up.

Should young children be placed in day care?

It depends. In my experience, parents who put their children in day-care have more time to work, and so have more money; whereas parents who watch after children themselves are ultimately closer to their children.

What is child slavery?

Child slavery is a form of modern slavery in which children are exploited for labor, forced to work in dangerous conditions, deprived of education, and subjected to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. It is a violation of human rights and affects millions of children worldwide. Efforts are being made to address and combat this issue through legislation, awareness campaigns, and initiatives aimed at protecting and supporting vulnerable children.

Why children were forced to work in the 1800 in the US?

Chlidren were forced to work in the 1800's because they were poor, and they needed to take care of their families

Why do children work on dumpsites?

The children work at the city dump to supplement their parents' meager earnings.

Why are children forced to work?

Because the greed of men knows no bounds.

Why were children in the 1800's forced to work in the US?

Chlidren were forced to work in the 1800's because they were poor, and they needed to take care of their families

Why are children schooling?

Children had to work with parents to help their families survive.

Should both parents work and leave their children with someone else at home?

depends hw old the kids r