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If you want an opinion, then no. Children need parental guidance and nurturing.

It depends how old the child is, and whether both the parents go out at the same time. Depends how good of job they have, if they both need to have a job to support the family than yes, if one has a good enough job to support the family than the second job is optional It's all up to the parents

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Q: Should both parents go out to work when their children are very young?
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the mother and father both should do the role of bringing up the child as it is equally important for the child to have both parents here for him/her

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It depends on where it is used:'Both the parents are working' is not as good as 'Both ofthe parents are working'.'Both the parents and the children had fun' is correct.

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Usually, the mother claims all of the children, but it's much better if the children can switch between the two parents. The children should have an equal time with both.

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Depends. Some children who have contact with both they're biological and adoptive parents refer to both sets as "mom & dad". So I would talk to both sets and ask what they feel comfortable as to what you should call you're biological parents.

What happens when we divorce with children?

Both parties should hire competent attorneys who can assist the parties in making a good separation agreement and making the divorce proceeding as amicable as possible. Each party must realize that a divorce means everyone will have to make sacrifices. The children should be the main priority of both parents. They should be reassured that they were not the cause of the split, that they will spend time with both parents and that both parents love them. Neither parent should criticize the other in front of the children. They should remain united on matters of discipline. Divorce does not need to be adversarial and many are not when the parties are intelligent enough to know that getting along will make life better for everyone.The parents should make a custodial agreement that is fair to everyone and the court will generally award child support according to the state laws.A bit more:What happens when a couple with children divorces depends on the parents, how they behave towards each other, and how they talk and behave around the children. The better the parents can get along with each other, the better it is for them but, more importantly, the better it is for the children. For more information see the related link below.

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no only the dad did