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Your best customer service situation may have been an angry customer whose delivery went to the wrong place and they still didn't have what they ordered. You not only immediately corrected this, but you gave them a discount on their purchase and their future purchases. It was successful because it went over and beyond what would be expected to solve the problem.

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12y ago

Customer service is all about ensuring that the customer is happy with the services rendered to them. This is very critical as it will determine if the customer will make a re-purchase or not.

An example that I can share with you is when I was a sales rep for one the IT firms. The customer wanted a software solution for his business and he called me and explained to me what he wanted. I arranged for us to meet so that I can provide him with exactly what he wanted. The next step was send him a mail regarding our meeting and to emphasis on the type of solution that he wanted. This was to ensure that he gets the right solution. I sent him the quotes and he accepted them. The solution was installed and a week later i phoned to find out if he was happy with the solution provided to him and it he doesn't encounter any problems. The last thing I did was to call him every two week just to strengthen the relationship.

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9y ago

There are a number of reasons why the service someone provides is successful. The service you provide is successful if it is efficient and the job is done well.

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7. Please provide an example of your best customer service situation. Explain why the service you provided was so successful

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best custmer service situation?

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Q: Provide an example of your best customer service situation Explain why the service you provide was so successful?
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