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In classical physics, if a force (e.g. the sum of all forces) acts on a body, the body cannot have zero acceleration (unless the body has infinite mass), since a = F/m. The velocity on the other hand may be zero, since a(t) = v'(t).

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Q: Only one force acts on an object cant the object have zero acceleration and or zero velocity?
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Only one force acts on an object can the object have zero acceleration or zero velocity?

It is not possible for acceleration to have zero acceleration because the force acting on the object is gravity and g=9.8m/s squared. Gravity is the acceleration It can however have a zero velocity

When velocity may change?

Velocity may change when an object experiences a change in speed or direction. This can occur when a force is applied to the object, causing it to accelerate or decelerate. Changes in velocity can also happen if an external force opposes or alters the object's motion.

Why is it useful to know net force?

you can the effect of the net force in the object motion

When An object speeds up it has what acceleration?

For an object's speed to change (increase or decrease), the object must be accelerating. If there is an acceleration, there is a non-zero net force acting on the object.note: Velocity and speed are different. An object's velocity can change without the speed changing. Example of this is centripetal acceleration. The object's velocity changes directions, thus the velocity changes. The magnitude (or speed), however, stays the same (if only a radial acceleration is present).

What can cause the velocity of an object to change?

Acceleration is a change in the speed of an object (contrary to popular belief - acceleration ban be an increase or decrease in speed). Velocity of an object only changes when acted on by an external force like a push, friction or other force. Objects in motion stay in motion until acted on by an external force

How is force a force?

Due to friction velocity of a body gets reduced, reduction in velocity causes change in velocity. This change in velocity leads to production of acceleration.(Because only acceleration can produce change in velocity either its direction or its magnitiude). And only a force can cause the acceleration hence friction is a force.

What do you call it when an objects velocity changes?

A change in an objects velocity is called acceleration. Velocity is defined as an objects speed of travel AND its direction of travel. Acceleration can change only an objects speed, only its direction or both. If there is no acceleration acting on the object, then the velocity remains constant.

What happens to the velocity when an object is accelerated?

When an object is accelerated, its velocity changes. The velocity can increase if the object is accelerating in the direction of its initial velocity, or decrease if the object is decelerating or accelerating in the opposite direction. The change in velocity is directly proportional to the acceleration applied to the object.

How is friction a force?

Due to friction velocity of a body gets reduced, reduction in velocity causes change in velocity. This change in velocity leads to production of acceleration.(Because only acceleration can produce change in velocity either its direction or its magnitiude). And only a force can cause the acceleration hence friction is a force.

How is friction force?

Due to friction velocity of a body gets reduced, reduction in velocity causes change in velocity. This change in velocity leads to production of acceleration.(Because only acceleration can produce change in velocity either its direction or its magnitiude). And only a force can cause the acceleration hence friction is a force.

Is the acceleration due to gravity always pointing vertically downward even for an object whose velocity is vertically upward?

Yes, the acceleration due to gravity always points vertically downward, regardless of the direction of an object's velocity. This is because gravity is a force that attracts objects towards the center of the Earth.

A force that acts on an object does only when the object moves?

A force will produce acceleration when the object moves. force in the line of motion will increase the acceleration and the force opposite to the line of motion will decrease the acceleration.