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Gonzalo Abernathy

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Q: One main hazard from a BLEVE is what?
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One main hazard from a BLEVE isare?


How do you pronouce bleve?

The word bleve does not appear in the dictionary. There is BLEVE which stands for Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion. Some people abbreviate the word believe with bleve.

What is BLEVE?

BLEVE is an acronym for Boiling Liquid Evaporating Vapor Explosion. Usually this is regarding LPG or Liquid Propane Gas.

What does the BLEVE acronym mean?

BLEVE stands for "Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion" which results from the rupturing of a vessel containing a pressurized liquid above it's boiling point.

What is the main hazard of a quiet volcano?

carbon dioxide

What are the main hazard associated with excavation work?

The main hazard associated with excavation work is the hazard of being caught in the excavation if it collapses. Soil assessment, sloping of trench walls, and policies on the use of ladders and strong trench wall supports and barriers have been developed to control this hazard.

When did the wold all start?

if you where a cristian you would bleve in god and that he created the earth

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i bleve so

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Responder kaldor arrives at a BLEVE incident with a 3088 gallon tank that is?

2,169 ft

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what are the four main types of hazard

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One potential hazard in a school area is _