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Q: Name two jobs that it would be impossible to perform without computers?
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What are two advances made by Indian mathematicians without which computers would be impossible today?

Read your book and do your own school work !

What two advances made by Indian mathematicians without which computers would be impossible today?

Read your book and do your own school work !

What will happen if an ice skater were to perform on a blacktop surface?

It would be impossible, simply impossible.

Why were input devices invented?

Without input devices, the only way to reprogram computers would be to pull them apart and rewire them. In modern computers with integrated circuits that would be impossible. Input devices, such as keyboards, make it much easier to reprogram computers with new instructions and/or data.

Name two advances made by Indian mathematicians without which computers would be impossible today?

The 0 (zero) figure and the concept of infinity.

What would you do without computers?

I would crawl into a dark corner.

How computers are used in military?

Computers are used in just about every aspect of the military. Computers assist pilots of aircraft, tanks, and ships. Computerized targeting systems guide weapons on any large craft. The air-force uses unmanned drone planes that would be impossible to use without computers. The list could go on for many pages.

GIS would not be practically possible without?


Why is math useless?

Math is far from useless. Without math, it would be impossible to make computers, ipods, cell phones, etc. Just for starters. How about money for another. How would a business know how much to charge for an item or service without math. I could go on and on. Hopefully you get the idea.

What would there be without friction?

it would be nearly impossible to stop cuz it is slippery

How would you survive without your nervous system?

No it is theoretically impossible

How are explosions helpful?

Explosives- about 5 million pounds a DAY- used used in construction and mining- and most mining would be impossible with them. Without mining, you have just reverted to a Stone Age civilization. No cars, no roads, no computers, no electriicity.