

Best Answer

Well, mind control is not possible because you cannot tell another person through your mind to do something.

What I do know personally which happened to many people nowadays, is the ability of a person to manipulate somebody to do something they want, hence conning them because of their ability to talk.

That is not mind control, but the art of manipulation through great marketing and talking, so basically control them.

Answer 2

yes it can be possible upto some extent by the help of meditation and it is proved by many Indian yog guru i.e. speciallist in meditation or yoga

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Q: Is mind control possible
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How do you control other people with your mind?

This is not possible.

Is it possible for people to use mind control on other people?

Of coarse it is, manipulation is the key factor toward mind control.

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Both, because you need to control your mind in order for it to control you

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You can control your mind because it is your mind you are the one who has control over your body and what you put in it. The mind is amazing in a human being and you obviously can control it

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No, your bank teller cannot control your mind. Nobody can control your mind.

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You would call it "mind control".

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Mind control of any size shape or form is 100% impossible. Scientists have doneresearch on Mind Control, and have failed to produce any evidence that it is possible to convince a person to do something against their will. If someone really doesn't want to do something, then no matter how hard you try you cannot convince them to do it. (Unless you hold a gun to theirthroat or something, but that is still not mind control).

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As far as I know, no human - whether that human is a six-year-old or otherwise - can control somebody else's mind.

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Nothing has the power to control your mind. You are in control of your imagination, nothing else.

How do you control my mind?

Through proper planning and use of effective wording i can control your mind.