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Whether legal or not, some employers do ask employees to find a replacement for the missed shift. This is more common if the employee has called in late or has been calling off frequently.

Many employees don't realize what employers have to do to get shifts covered, especially on Friday nights, weekends, and holidays. When employees wait until the last minute to call off, it is even harder for an employer to find someone willing to come in. Other employees may also be ill, need to plan for babysitters, or need to arrange transportation to work, so often, other employees cannot jump to take an extra shift.

Many places of employment must keep certain staff ratios. For example, nursing homes and hospitals require X-number of employees per X-number of patients. When employees call off, it can create a serious bind for supervisors or owners.

To avoid this kind of situation in the future, limit the number of call-offs.

Call off with as much time in advance as you can. Avoid call-offs within hours of your shift. If you are ill Monday night, don't wait till 2pm Tuesday to call off for a 3pm shift.

Be sure to visit a Doctor if truly ill and ask for a slip to give to your employer. This can save your job sometimes.

Arrange a primary and secondary babysitter, in case the primary one gets sick.

Plan ahead for back-up transportation in case your car breaks down.

The more you understand the problems your employer has when trying to cover missed shifts, the more you will avoid conflict with your employer and the more you'll be considered a valuable employee.

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