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My undergraduate degree is in Psych... the degree is mostly useless unless you are going on toward a masters.

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Q: Is it hard to get a job in New York with an associates degree in psychology?
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Once you have a radiology technician associate's do you further your education in radiology?

First off let me state that we are by no means "TECHNICIANS"!! Let us get our terminology straight. If you are getting an Associates Degree & Pass your registry. You would then be known as a Radiology "Technologist"! You can now apply at some accredited University and go for a Bachelor's Degree in Radiology and if you really want to further your education, you can pursue a Master's Degree. Just keep in mind that times are hard and more than likely you will get PAID as if you received an Associates Degree. Why pay someone with a Bachelor's or Master's Degree more, when you can pay less with an Associates Degree. Hope this helps!

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Without knowing where you are living it is hard to determine which college would be best for you to get your associate degree. It sounds like you would benefit from doing some research on your own or calling a local college to you and asking there.

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Yes surgical tech is hard if you dont study. You will need to make this class first in your life for the year it takes to complete the program. Good luck!

How do i find a job in marketing with an associate's degree?

Your best bet, honestly, is to get an internship. It's a hard time with the economy now, and the companies will probably go for those with a BA or experience over those with an associates.

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You need a associates degree to become a paralegal. Then you need to find the job. This is the hard part, some of the best options would be to start looking for work while you are still in school.

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yes of course. every degree is hard work.

What kind of degree would be a liberal arts degree?

Anything with a BA Bachelor's of Arts compared to BS Bachelor's Science. Also known as the soft (BA) and Hard (BS) degrees.ExamplesBA degrees# Psychology # Sociology # Art BS degrees# Math # Computer Sciences # Biology

Where can I get a digital photography degree?

A degree in digital photography can be achieve through hard work and study at an institution such as an art school. A school that can provide this learning experience the New York Institute of Photography which can be found at "".

What has the author Deborah A Thomas written?

Deborah A. Thomas has written: 'Hard times' -- subject(s): Psychology, Whole and parts (Psychology), Psychology in literature, Knowledge

What jobs can you get with a associate's degree in mental health?

Some jobs you can get with a associate's degree in psychology include:Preschool teachers assistantSubstitute TeacherPolice Officer or Corrections officerSocial Services worker or assistantParalegal or Legal assistantMental Health front desk clerk or assistantSales Rep.Retail Manager/ Supervisor