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Yes, performers can be hired and paid to sing. Conductors can also be hired and paid to conduct a choir. However, some people join choirs recreationally.

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Q: Is choir a job
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For what job does jack volunteer his choir?

Jack volunteers his choir as the choir director.

What job does the choir take?

they become the hunters of the island

What is the choir's job in the Lord of the Flies?

They were the hunters. They hunt for the group.

Why did Haydn have to leave the boys choir?

because he got a better job inih bruv xx

What job does choir take in Lord of the Flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the choir boys led by Jack initially serve as the hunters on the island. Their job is to hunt for food, but they later become Jack's tribe and enforce his rule over the other boys through fear and violence.

What is the collective noun of choir?

The collective noun choir is used for a choir of angels, a choir of singers, a choir of hummingbirds.

Who were the first choir of angels mentioned in the Bible?

The first mention of angelic singing is written in Job 38:7

What is the possessive form of choir?

The possessive form of choir is choir's.

Why are you very nervous when singing a solo for the choir teachers to audition for a choir but you are not nervous at all when you sing for them in the choir and they are right next to you?

During the audition, you are in a position of being judged, and your sense of having control over the situation and its unknowns can cause anxiety. When you are in the choir, you already have the job and acceptance so you are more comfortable.

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Choir of Joyful Hope

what is the noun for choir?

The noun 'choir' is a collective noun for: a choir of singers.

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