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Q1. What is an operating system ? Where is this used ? Name some operating systems that you have come across?

Q2. What are the components of an OS ? Name at least 3 components

Q3 . What is GUI stands for ?

Q4. Do you understand the difference between Platform and Framework ? Is it different or same ?

Q5. Give me some examples of IT Software Products .

Q6. Do you understand the different between IT services and IT Product based companies ? Name few companies in these categories.

Q7. Why Customers prefer to develop their applications using Java or Dot net frame work . Give your answers with Business / commercial perspective.

Q8. What do you understand by Embedded systems ? Do you use any of these in your day to day life.

Q9. Have you ever worked on Testing Requirement ? If yes, what are the types of Testing Tools that you know.

Q10. Your thoughts on Data warehousing - what it is ? Name some tools associated with DW.

Q11. What does ERP stands for and what does it do in an Enterprise.

Q12. What is Open Source Technology ? Your understanding about this .

Q13. Do you understand Real Time Operating System ? Give Some examples. Which are all the companies in this domain?

Q14.What is 3 Tier architecture's concept?

Q15. Your understanding about GSM, CDMA, 3G, 4G, VOIP, in Telecom domain ?

Q16. What is the expansion of SDLC ? 2 lines about SDLC

Q17. Do you understand the role of Business Analyst , Technical Architect, System Architect, Data Architect, Database Administrator, Product Manager, Project Manager, Program Manager in an IT company?

Q18. If you have ever done SAP hiring, can you name the Modules that you have worked ?

Q19. What is the expansion of ABAP , Where is this used ?

Q20.What are the certification courses available in the field of Networking ?

Q21. Are you aware of PMP ? Who is the certifying authority ?

Q22. Is there any certifications for Product Managers ?

Q23. What is the expansion of CRM? Give some examples of CRM Product .

Q24. What is SCM ? Example of SCM software

Q25. Can you tell me recent Mergers and Acquisition that happened in IT industry ?

Q26. Do you have Linkedin contacts ? With how many are you connected ?

Q27. Have you heard of the term Web 2.0 ?

Q28. What is Cloud Computing ? Is it a Product or Service ? Who are all the major players ?

Q29. Have you heard of SOA and SOAP ?

Q30. Name the Banking product developed by Infosys & I-flex respectively.

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Q: Could you please explain the concept of business intelligence?

A: Business intelligence is the management and collection of data that is used to help a business in the decision making process. The gathered data can also be used to predict the outcome of various business operations. There are a few key steps in business intelligence, which include: the gathering of data, analysis of that data, a review of the situation, risk evaluation and then using all of this information to make the best decision for the business. This data and analysis can be used to make financial and sales decisions, and also help a company gain an edge over its competitors.

Q: What are some of the standard tools used in business intelligence?

A: Some of the standard business intelligence tools are:

- BusinessObjects

- Crystal Reports

- Micro Strategy

- Microsoft OLAP

- Qlik View

Note: Make sure that the most frequently used solutions are mentioned, as well as new and successful programs. This will demonstrate your interest in the field and knowledge of trends. Both are very important.

Q: Describe what Online Analytical Processing is.

A: Online analytical processing, or OLAP, is a versatile tool that analyzes data stored within a multidimensional database. It allows the user to isolate pieces of information and view them from many different perspectives. For example: Sales of a particular product in April can be compared to the sales of the same product in September. On the other hand, sales of a particular product can also be compared to other products sold in the area. OLAP software programs can also be used for data mining purposes.

Q: Please explain what a universe is in business intelligence.

A: A universe is terminology used in the BusinessObjects application. It is actually the semantic layer between the end user and the data warehouse. A universe masks the complex, traditional database structure and replaces it with familiar business terminology. This makes it easier for the end user to understand and use.

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Q: Interview questions for it recruiter fresher?
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Good: Less work on your part. You just let the recruiter do all the work and all you do is interview. Bad: You are not opening up to the whole job force, only the clients of the recruiter. Bad: You pay the recruiter.

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Answering "If go for the interview for the quality analyst in bpo then what are the questions and answer they ask how can i face the interview?"

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