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Q: Interview questions for a brand manager at astrazeneca?
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Its undoubtedly Meronem, the innovator Brand from AstraZeneca is the no 1 Brand

What is the no1 brand of meropenem in India?

Cipla, Ranbaxy and astrazeneca

How much does a brand manager earn?

A brand manager earn a median salary of $90,100 becoming one of the best jobs in USA

What is the function of a brand manager?

First brand manager should understand his duty because to promote the brand in the market it should be in better manner as well as manager of brand his primary duty to create the awareness of his brand we will see all the function of brand manager step by step these all are below 1.Brand manager have to know very well about his product because the entire structure of product should well and every thing of wright from manufacturing to finished goods. 2.Brand manager use the marketing mix tools according to product advertising also enhance the awareness of the brand 3. The log of the brand and name,design,tag line these all should be proper 4.At the time brand buliding manager should keept in the mind that persanality of the brand,image of the brand should be well non 5.Manager should promise to his audiance and provide quality asurance to customer. 6.Manager can create good image of the organization in frant of the sociaty 7.Manager should bulid those brand which reflacte the organization value and image. 8.Also evalute the brand which is going well. 9.The colours and packaging ,imgage,quality all these thing should be atractive 10.Manager alwayes make new policy for developing the brand.

What are the release dates for CMI The Chris Myers Interview - 2005 Elton Brand?

CMI The Chris Myers Interview - 2005 Elton Brand was released on: USA: 19 February 2006

Root and word meaning of zeneca?

The root of "Zeneca" is unclear, as it is a brand name owned by the company AstraZeneca. The word itself does not have a specific meaning in English or any other language; it was likely created for branding purposes.

What brand of nerdy glasses were TI wearing during his BET interview?

Christian Dior

Who is responsible for the marketing mix of a product?

Decisions at the first level of product management involve the marketing mix for an individual brand/product. These decisions are the responsibility of a brand manager (sometimes called a product manager).

Does Nexium stop anxiety attacks?

Esomeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor (brand name Nexium) developed and marketed by AstraZeneca which is used in the treatment of dyspepsia, peptic ulcer disease (PUD), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD/GERD) and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

What is difference between Account planning and brand manager?

Account Planner is just like the brand manager on the agency side. The main difference is that brand manager is more like a CEO on the company side, which means he/she should not only consider communication issue but also business issue such as product, price and place. While the Account planner focuses more on comunnication issue.

What is brand fatigue?

When the brand manager or someone at the top in an organization becomes prematurely bored of their own brand even though the consumer has not, the company tries to reposition that brand frequently even though it is not required. Such a brand is said to be going through a brand fatigue.

What brand of cigarettes does Marc Jacobs smoke?

I saw an interview where he was holding a pocket of gold Marlboro.:D