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Globalization means all countries depend on each other in one way or another. However, a breakdown in a system in a developing country is bound to affect already developed countries negatively.

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Q: In what way is globalization a disadvatage for developed nations?
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In what way is globalization a disadvantaged for developed nations?

outsourcing replaces workers in developed nations with workers in developing nations

How has the united nations contributed to globalization's?

By offering countries a way to join together to address international problems.

What is one way that underdeveloped nations can increase growth in Gross Domestic Product?

Studies conducted by economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York indicate that under developed nations can benefit and increase their GDP by importing high technology products from developed nations. As a whole, trade between less developed nations and underdeveloped ones, have resulted in economic benefits for less developed nations.

Is japan a developed nation or a developing nation?

Japan is one of the most highly developed nations in the world.

How do people the US benefit from globalization?

Economic growth is one way that people in the United States benefit from globalization.

Why globalization is important in business world?

Globalization refers to the way in which the world has becomes more interconnected and "smaller". It is important in the business world as globalization allows for much more profit.

How do people in the united states benefit from globalization?

Economic growth is one way that people in the United States benefit from globalization.

Do you need vactins to travel to Costa Rica?

no way. no reason. in many regards Costa Rica is much safer than most 'developed' nations.

Impact of globalization on strategic management plan?

Today. everything has changed, globalization. the internationalization of markets and corporations. has changed the way modern corporations do business.

What is one way the globalization has affected the American economy?

loss of manufacturing jobs

What are examples of political globalization?

Political globalization is when governmental action occurs on an international level. Examples of this include cooperation through the United Nations, an international intergovernmental organization that provides a forum/template for countries to discuss global issues and decide how to act (or not act) in a multilateral way. The European Union is also a great example of political globalization, as member countries submit themselves to a common governance system, creating in effect a regional government while still maintaining national sovereignty.

In which way globalization has changed managers job?

Globalization has changed the manager's job in many ways. For example, the ability to speak multiple languages is now more valuable in management.