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Sure. A store owner or manager can hire anyone he or she wants to. That said, it's also his/her responsibility to make wise choices. If you owned a retail store, would you hire someone that has stolen from another retail establishment? So, to more directly answer your question; yes, you can get a retail job with a misdemeanor retail theft but it will be difficult.

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Q: If you have a felony in retail thief can you still get a job in retail?
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Can a theft arrest stop you from getting a job in retail?

it might. but i know someone who still works in retail after getting arrested for cash theft from their previous job

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I have a felony can i still become a truck driver and can i get traing from a company and a school?

Not at my school. I can't get you a job. Be very careful about paying for a school that promises you a job.

You committed a felony ten years ago but violated probation seven years ago What do you put on an job application when it asks?

Did you get it straightened out? You still have to put the felony down on the application in order to have any possibility of being hired and keeping the job.

Is there still a market for retail jobs?

There's no guarantee for finding a job these days. However, the Mall of America has so many retailers that you probably have better odds of getting a retail job there than anywhere else.

What is the best job you can get while you are still in school?

Try volunteering for something. If you want to earn money, try getting a job in retail or at a restaurant.

Can you have a felony as a home health aide?

; i will like to no what could i do to get my close my case i get my felony in1996 and i still look for a job i had a home health aid also got a personal czring aid cerificate i need a job so tell me what i could do thak you

You were charged with a felony but found not guilty can this still affect you getting a job?

No because you didnt do anything wrong if you were found not guilty.

Jobs that hire people with a pending felony case?

It may vary depending on the employer and the nature of the offense, but some industries that may be more open to hiring individuals with pending felony cases include construction, manufacturing, food service, and retail. It's important to be transparent about your legal situation and emphasize your qualifications and commitment to rehabilitation during the job application process.

Can you get a job in a casino with a felony in Florida?
