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The monument is of Lincoln sitting on the American flag its not as disrespect but as if he has America under control.

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Q: How would you describe Lincoln's leadership?
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Lincolns prophetic dream is two weeks before his assassination, Abraham Lincoln had a dream that he was lying in a coffin.

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Leadership is being able to act without orders or instruction. If you see something that needs to be done or fixed, take the initiative and do it.

Describe your leadership skills?

Many types of applications for jobs or other positions may ask that you describe your leadership skills. This just means to tell them what kind of skills you have that would make you a good leader. If you've ever held a leadership position prior to this time then this would be a good time to explain those positions an how well you did.

What are Lincolns leadership principles?

to rape and kill little boys so he can silence the korean and japanese people. he thought they were all wierd

What was president Lincolns plan for reconstruction?

Nobody knows he was going to say the next day but he died

How would describe your leadership style?

You should describe your leadership style to prospective employers in more detail than a generic statement about being a natural leader. You want to answer in a concise manner to let them know that you can adapt to situations and lead your team and give an example.

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One type of leadership skill one may prefer to adopt at work would be a style where others see them hard at work and will do as they see you do.

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What was Lincolns view on Africa Americans?

Would be better of in their own country.