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# Be sure not to phrase your advertising the same way you might phrase a question on WikiAnswers. # Be accurate in describing your product in advertising. # Keep the store environment clean and well lit. # Make sure your employees are well trained and knowledgeable. # Undercut your competitors prices and/or offer more value for the same price.# Treat your customers with respect and courtesy.

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Q: How way you improve your store?
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Which way you improve retail stores?

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Mystery shoppers is a good way for managers to help their staff improve customer relations. A random shopper will come to the store and ask for help while assessing the staffs reaction.

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The best way to improve cursive writing is to practice.

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The best way to improve is through reading.

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I like them just the way they are! You can not improve on perfection!

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The best way to improve Libya's economy is to destroy the capitalism.

How could the management team of a retail store help to improve sales performance?

One way in which the management team of a retail store could help improve sales performance is by creating a presence on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. They could offer incentives for people to sign up such as social media only sales and benefits. It makes people feel special and want to visit your store.

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No. It is a verb, to improve, to make better in some way.

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% not online % like in a store improve this answer

How will India improve?

if people will go right way. just like islam. cause islam is the way of improve your life and other.

In the 1900s when oreos were invented did they improve life?

oreos will always improve the way of life.

What changes would improve the way you travel to?

By taking taxi would be improve to college for me.