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Treat every person the way that you would want them to treat you. Observe each individual that you encounter, and analyze what needs they may have and then try to meet those needs. Ask them if they are comfortable, and ask what else you can do for them to make them more comfortable.

I work at a bank, and when I encounter a mother that has her children with her, I immediately pull over extra chairs to my desk, grab some zoobooks magazines from the waiting room, and pass out suckers to the kids when the mother comes to my desk. I observe that her need is to take care of her children, but more importantly that her children be occupied so that she can get her banking done.

If I have an elderly customer, I speak louder and slower because they are typically hard of hearing. If in individual comes to the bank that is in a wheelchair, I will open the door for them, and invite them to do business at my desk. As they are moving toward my desk, i will casually slide one of the chairs to the side so that they can sit across from me like any other person would. If someone comes to close the account of a loved one that has passed away, I will offer my condolences, and move a box of tissues to the front of my desk.

I try to imagine myself in that persons shoes and think about how I would feel if I were that person and then I can usually figure out how that person would like to be treated. If you are kind and courteous you will be fine.

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Q: How should you treat other people to be sensitive to their needs?
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