The minimum age to work at Footlocker is 18 but if you are 16 or older you can work their with a work permit depending on the state.
An 11 year old cannot work at Footlocker. Footlocker only employs those who are age 16 and over because of labor laws.
at footlocker
Most often a Footlocker will not hire 15 year olds. However, some states do allow 15 years old to work with a workers permit. It is best to find out the work laws in a particular state by contacting the local school and the local Footlocker.
you can either go to the vanz outlet, or you can go to kids footlocker.
Yes, you can at footlocker
Usually 18, or adult age.
i believe that if kids work at 13 they will become more responsible.
You can work at collin creek mall at footlocker.