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i think its ten i could be wrong tho

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It depends where you live.

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Q: How old do you have to be to take Babysitting Training Course?
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How old does a child to be to babysit?

10 or 11, if has a babysitting course and CPR training.

Where could a 11 year old get a job?

You could take your babysitting course then babysit OR deliever the newspapers

How old to be licened for babysitting in Washington?

12, you'd have to have done a babysitting course to be lisenced. You might have ment legally.

Where can a 13 year old get babysitting training in Ocala FL?

You are too young to babysit.

How old does one need to be to start working?

It depends on where you want to work. I am 12 and have been babysitting for more than a year, and my friend who is 14 has a job at a fastfood restaraunt. So you can be 14 and get a job almost anywhere, but you can make money babysitting when you are 11 or 12, and it helps to take a babysitting course.

How old do you have to be to babysit in Washington state?

You have to be at least 12 years old or about that and then you have to take a babysitting class

Where can a 13 year old start babysitting?

You can start by taking a babysitting course at the American Red Cross then you can signed up at a babysitter website and/or put up flyers in your neighborhood.Hope i helped!

Where do you get an official babysitting certificate?

I got my certification at the Red Cross. For info on how to sign up and what to expect at the classes, Google 'red cross babysitting courses'. Your local hospital could also have a program where you could get certified.

Where can I find free online babysitting courses?

The American Red Cross has a highly-regarded online (or classes) course for people 11 year old and older. It costs $29 in 2016.'s a boy who saved a life after his Red Cross course.

How old do you have to be to do a babysitting business?

You need to be about 13 years old and more to do a babysitting business

Are there babysitting jobs for kids?

Yes, of course. But you might have to be at least 12 years old to babysit, depending on the laws in your area.

How old does person have to be to babysit in Washington?

You have to be about 12 years old and you have to take a babysitting class ( I would suggest red cross)