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infinity years . youre lame .

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Q: How much time is needed of training on the job before a full salary can be earned to be a architect?
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What subjects are needed to become an architect?

Subjects needed are physics and math.

Where is architect mostly needed?

to design a structure

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Becoming a contractor requires at least a four year degree, and vast understanding of blueprints. You would also need to have some good experience as an architect as well.

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CPR training is needed to be a babysitter

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No knife training is needed before starting a culinary arts course. All the techniques will be discussed in class. Make sure you have a good knife like a Shun.

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nope but u do need serious pro training before u try

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vocal training

What education is needed to become a archicteture?

Four years of college pursuing a degree in architecture ought to do it. After graduation, architects must apprentice, often for four years, under a registered architect before they can take the registration tests. Only after being registered is a person considered a real architect.

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butcher training

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first of all we have to cover the water,purefy before the ussage of water