Enlisted Sailors' monthly salary can range from $1,400 to $2,400 depending on experience. Members of the special ops team can receive additional financial benefits, including sign-on bonuses and special pay, including dive pay, demolition pay and special duty assignment pay. The Enlisted pay scale can be found at http://www.navy.com/benefits/financial/#enlisted-chart.
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The first African American to acheive the Navy rank of Master Diver and Master Chief. He was born on a farm in Kentucky, father a share cropper and they were dirt poor. He was born in 1931 and fought the system to become the first of his kind to get the highest level rank of an enlisted man. The Navy Diver's were the salvage diver's that did many challenging missions handling demonlitions to clearing the underwater fighting areas for the fleet to anchor. A Navy Diver is not a fightling man, he clears salvage and clears the underwater. God rest Carl's soul as he lived to be 75 and is a departed Navy Diver WHY would anyone want to be a NAVY DIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am the child of a Navy Diver.............................................................................
The dress uniform is the same as the rest of the navy. scuba diver qualification badges are not worn.
YES! Girls can be navy divers. They can participate in every branch of the navy with the exception of SEALS. But we can dive, we can train for EOD, we can be rescue swimmers and serve on submarines. Girls can do (almost) everything the guys can do.
Gary Coleman
Yes But they Supply you with the Frames :)
There is a Master Chief in the picture of Carl's graduation class from Salvage Diving School at Bayonne, NJ. Write to the Navy and get the name of that diver. Chances are it was a WW II Navy Diver as they were few and far between. The diver schools were kept secret as the enemy would kill the divers first as they did lots during war time. So it would have to be a WW II veteran a lifer in the Navy. Check that picture that is your Navy MDV ( Master Diver) that trained Carl Brashear. My father was a retired MDV and Ship fitter in the US Navy.
Carl Brashear.
He was the first African American US Navy Master Diver.
The salary structure of the Nigerian navy ranges between $1,400 to $2,400 depending with the experience.
Engraved diver's knifes
what is the salary of a wing-commander in Indian navy ? There is no rank of wing-commander in Indian Navy. This rank belongs to Indian Air force