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There is no set amount. Have your own personal goals and don't stress if you haven't got as much saved as someone else your age.

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4y ago

The answer to this question depends on a lot of variables.

For example, one 22 year old may want to live a lavish lifestyle of nice cars, huge houses, and extravagant travel. This person would likely want to put more back for their future (although they almost never do)

Another 22 year old may be perfectly content living a typical middle class lifestyle. They would need to put back less

Wealth is all about income relative to spending. To figure out how much you need to save, you may first want to figure out your future desires and how much you need to earn.

15% of your gross annual income is a good place to start. This is the industry agreed upon number for normal retirement age. Personally I think we all work too hard and it should be 20% or higher. This will help you retire sooner or you could ramp up your income. I would do this with online income strategies.

To learn how to make more money online email me and I’ll send you this free info that worked for me and 100’s of people trying to make money online at easymoneytools99@gmailDOTcom (ADD a . instead of the DOT) and you will see what I mean.

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