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I make $18 a hour and average about $16 a hour in comission. So that makes a total of $34 a hour.

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Q: How much money does a debt collector make a year?
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How much money can you make as a debt collector what percentage of debt collected should I be receiving?

The average salary of a debt collector is 28,000 dollars. The percentage given as a commission varies from 3 to 5% of the debt being collected. In some companies, it is even a larger percentage.

Is it legal for a debt collector to refuse to respond to me and if so can they report my debt and lower my credit score if they won't disclose my debt information.?

No, a debt collector must legally tell you what kind of debt you owe and how much debt you owe. You can consult an attorney for more details.

How much money does a bill collector earn?

I work for a large company and make 19.87 an hour.

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The Bone Collector grossed $151,463,090 worldwide.

How much money did The Debt gross worldwide?

The Debt grossed $46,604,054 worldwide.

How much money did The Bone Collector gross domestically?

The Bone Collector grossed $66,488,090 in the domestic market.

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What Does it Take to Be a Debt Collector?

A debt collector goes by many names. Some are called recovery agents while others are known as collection assistants. Whatever their title, their job duties are remarkable similar. They are tasked with collecting outstanding debts from the general public, businesses or corporations.What Does a Debt Collector Job Entail?A debt collector is responsible for managing outstanding debts. Debt collectors can be employed by a variety of businesses. Their primary goal is to get people who owe money to the company to pay up. This can be difficult.A large amount of a debt collector's day is spent on the phone. They call debtors and attempt to arrange repayment schedules. When debtors cannot be found or refuse to pay, a debt collector may need to take more drastic measures. This can include filing a small claims suit against the debtor. Debt collectors can oversee wage garnishments, tax refund offsets or bank account seizures.What Do Debt Collectors Earn?Debt collectors are often paid a wage plus a commission for each account they settle. The starting salary for a debt collector averages $13 an hour. The commission and incentive rates vary from company to company. A highly successful commissioned senior debt collector could make as much as $50 an hour with the commission factored in to the hourly wage.What Qualifications Should a Debt Collector Possess?Qualifications vary widely depending on the type of debt being collected. Most collection companies require employees to have at least a bachelor's degree, generally in business management or finance. As the employee's job responsibilities grow, they are expected to continue their education in order to perform their duties.Because a debt collector often deals with sensitive client information, nearly all debt collection agencies require their employees to pass a background check. Many also insist that workers have fairly good credit.A debt collector needs to have a thick skin in order to succeed in the field. Clients can feel threatened and become verbally abusive when contacted about an outstanding debt. Debt collection is a difficult job, but the pay can be incredibly rewarding for those who succeed.

How much money did The Debt gross domestically?

The Debt grossed $31,177,548 in the domestic market.

How much does a tax collector make?

to have SEX

How much money does a garbage collector earnhttpwikianswerscomQHow much money does a garbage collector earn?

I think they pay $150.00000 billions dOLLARS. for every garbages because that they can get pay these people who collected the garbages for us.

Will a financial planner help you to reduce your debt?

yes they can help reduce debt they can review how much you make, what you are spending on and how to spend correctly while saving money for your future at the same time.