It depends on many different factors; the year of retirement, time in service, time in grade, etc. Some of these factors change over the course of time and some are specific to particular individuals. In the related links section below is a link to the Department of Defense's retirement calculators. There are 3 calculators that are separated by the type of retirement that applies to the service member. These calculators do not require identifying information and does not retain any information entered.
Final Pay calculator: For service members who entered service before September 8, 1980
High-3 calculator: For service members who entered service on or after September 8, 1980, and before August 1, 1986, and did not accept the Career Status Bonus.
CSB/REDUX calculator: For service members who entered service after July 31, 1986, and chose to receive the Career Status Bonus and the REDUX retirement plan.
It depends upon the rank and time in grade ; see link below to the US Military pay scale .
40 to 50 thousand 45-60k
a lot
how much money do bakers make a year?
There is no such rate in the Marines or any branch of service.
How much money a year do x ray technicians make a year?
how much money Quezon's make 1 year
How much money does Costco mak a year ?
there are about 50,000 people that inlist for the marines every year
they make 400,000 a year
Who cares? How much money do you make in a year? Apparently, not very much.
how much does jr smith make in a year
they make 144,000 a year